C-C4HCX-2405 Passing Score & C-C4HCX-2405 Instant Access

C-C4HCX-2405 Passing Score & C-C4HCX-2405 Instant Access

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The VCEPrep is committed to ace the C-C4HCX-2405 exam preparation and success journey successfully in a short time period. To achieve this objective the VCEPrep is offering SAP Certified Associate - Solution Architect - Customer Experience (C-C4HCX-2405) practice test questions with high-in-demand features. The main objective of VCEPrep SAP C-C4HCX-2405 Practice Test questions features to assist the C-C4HCX-2405 exam candidates with quick and complete SAP C-C4HCX-2405 exam preparation.

>> C-C4HCX-2405 Passing Score <<

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SAP C-C4HCX-2405 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • SAP Integration Suite: This section of the exam measures the skills of SAP Integration Specialists and covers the SAP Integration Suite, which facilitates seamless integration between various systems and applications. It emphasizes understanding integration patterns and tools within the SAP ecosystem. A skill to be measured is implementing efficient integration solutions across platforms.
Topic 2
  • SAP Extension Suite: This section of the exam measures the skills of SAP Solution Architects and covers the SAP Extension Suite, which enables the creation of custom applications and extensions. It focuses on understanding how to extend SAP solutions to meet specific business needs. One skill to be measured is designing scalable extensions for SAP systems.
Topic 3
  • SAP Customer Data Cloud: This section of the exam measures the skills of SAP Consultants and covers SAP's solution for managing customer data and consent. It emphasizes understanding data protection regulations and customer identity management. A skill to be measured is implementing secure customer data management practices.
Topic 4
  • SAP Commerce Cloud: This section of the exam measures the skills of E-commerce Specialists and covers SAP's cloud-based commerce platform. It focuses on understanding how to build and manage digital storefronts and omnichannel experiences. One skill to be measured is designing effective e-commerce solutions for businesses.

SAP Certified Associate - Solution Architect - Customer Experience Sample Questions (Q16-Q21):

What are some SAP recommended guiding principles to achieve clean core operations? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Establish an organizational structure, technical foundation, and transformation methodology for clean core.
  • B. Establish release management.
  • C. Define roles and responsibilities as part of a process transformation office.
  • D. Establish regular housekeeping tasks and procedures.
  • E. Integrate clean core practices in the end-to-end value process chain.

Answer: A,D,E

Guiding Principles for Clean Core Operations:Clean core operations aim to minimize core customizations and maintain system integrity.
Key Principles:
* End-to-End Process Integration (A):Ensure clean core practices are embedded in all business processes.
* Organizational Structure (B):Create frameworks to govern and support clean core methodologies.
* Housekeeping Procedures (D):Regularly clean up unused objects and maintain data integrity.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
* Release Management (C):Important but not specific to clean core principles.
* Process Transformation Office (E):Part of broader transformation initiatives, not specific to clean core.
* SAP Clean Core Documentation: Best Practices and Principles.

Which of the following objects are typically exchanged with the SAP back end in an SAP Sales Cloud integrated scenario?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Sales/services transactions
  • B. Stock movements
  • C. Product (material) master data
  • D. Marketing campaigns
  • E. Customer master data

Answer: A,C,E

You want to implement a combination of roles and attributes to build a set of rules and definitions that can return an access decision using SAP Customer Data Cloud.
Which authorization model needs to be implemented to accommodate this?

  • A. Policy-based access control (PBAC)
  • B. Context-based access control (CBAC)
  • C. Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • D. Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

Answer: A

* Understanding SAP Customer Data Cloud Authorization Models:SAP Customer Data Cloud provides various authorization models to ensure secure and granular access control. Each model is tailored to specific business requirements, such as roles, attributes, or a combination of rules and policies.
* Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC):PBAC is a robust model designed to manage access based on a combination of policies. Policies are structured rules defined using attributes, roles, and contextual data.
PBAC aligns well with use cases that require granular access decisions based on a combination of factors.
* Key Features of PBAC in SAP Customer Data Cloud:
* Rules and Attributes:PBAC allows combining multiple attributes (e.g., user attributes, resource attributes) and rules to create flexible access control decisions.
* Dynamic Decision-Making:Access decisions are evaluated dynamically based on current conditions, ensuring real-time adaptability.
* Scalability:Supports complex access scenarios by allowing policies to be updated and managed independently of user and resource data.
* Steps to Implement PBAC in SAP Customer Data Cloud:
* Define Attributes:Identify the attributes required for access control, such as user roles, geolocation, or device type.
* Create Policies:Develop policies using a rule-based engine, specifying conditions for access based on attributes.
* Test Policies:Use SAP Customer Data Cloud tools to simulate and validate access decisions before deployment.
* Deploy Policies:Integrate the PBAC model with existing applications and monitor access behavior using the SAP administration console.
* Why PBAC is the Correct Choice for this Scenario:In the question, the requirement involves combining roles, attributes, and a set of rules to determine access. PBAC is explicitly designed for such use cases, offering the flexibility and control needed to manage complex access requirements dynamically.
* References:
* SAP Help Documentation on SAP Customer Data Cloud Authorization Models:SAP Help Portal
* SAP OpenSAP Courses: Explore authorization models in courses like "SAP Customer Data Solutions Fundamentals."
* SAP Customer Data Cloud Administration Guide: Detailed guidelines on implementing PBAC.
Conclusion:Policy-based access control (PBAC) provides a robust framework for managing access decisions by combining attributes, roles, and policies. This makes it the most suitable authorization model for the given scenario.

Which of the following elements are part of the architecture of SAP Business Technology Platform? Note:
There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Node
  • B. Subaccount
  • C. Directory
  • D. Container

Answer: B,D

Step 1: Architecture of SAP BTPSAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) architecture includes foundational elements for cloud services and application deployment.
* Subaccount:
* Represents a tenant in SAP BTP, used to manage resources and applications.
* Container:
* A unit for deploying and running microservices and applications within the platform.
Step 2: Correct Elements
* SAP Help Portal:BTP Documentation.
* SAP Learning Hub: Training on SAP BTP components.

What are valid reasons for extending a SAP Customer Experience solution?Note: There are 2 correct Answers to this question.

  • A. Switching from building in-app to side-by-side coding
  • B. Improving performance of applications
  • C. Using prepackaged content for integration
  • D. Creating mobile applications for remote operations and offline access

Answer: A,C


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